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Ansible Collection For SR Linux#

Ansible collection for SR Linux is identified with nokia.srlinux fully qualified collection name and contains the plugins and modules to interface with SR Linux devices.

Collection name nokia.srlinux
Galaxy URL nokia/srlinux
Ansible Automation Platform nokia/srlinux
Github repository nokia/srlinux-ansible-collection
SR Linux version >=23.3.11
Python version >=3.10

Modules contained within this collection fully conform to the idempotence principles of Ansible, as well as provide first-class support for diff and check functionality2.


Besides examples provided for each module of this collection, checkout Ansible with SR Linux tutorial to see how to use this collection in practice.


Nokia SR Linux collection provides the following modules that work via HttpApi connection plugin and therefore rely on SR Linux's JSON-RPC server:

Architecturally the modules provide a generic way to retrieve data from and configure SR Linux devices in a model-driven way3. Because SR Linux is a fully-modelled NOS, users should leverage the YANG Browser to navigate the datastores and understand the data model.

Quick examples of how to use the modules. For more information on each module options and return values, please refer to the module's documentation page.

Retrieve configuration and state from SR Linux devices.

- name: Get system information
hosts: clab
gather_facts: false
  - name: Get /system/information container
        - path: /system/information
            datastore: state

Configure SR Linux devices.

- name: Set leaves
hosts: clab
gather_facts: false
  - name: Set system information with values
        - path: /system/information
            location: Some location
            contact: Some contact

Execute CLI commands on SR Linux devices.

- name: Execute "show version" CLI command
  hosts: clab
  gather_facts: false
    - name: Execute "show version" CLI command
          - show version

Validate intended configuration.

- name: Validate
  hosts: clab
  gather_facts: false
    - name: Validate a valid change set
          - path: /system/information
              location: Some location
              contact: Some contact


The recommended way to install galaxy collections is via the ansible-galaxy CLI command that ships with the ansible installation.

ansible-galaxy collection install nokia.srlinux
ansible-galaxy collection install nokia.srlinux:0.1.0 #(1)!
  1. Available version are listed in collection's home page.

Collection is installed at the collections path. Default location is ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/nokia/slinux.

Container image#

To simplify the usage of the collection, we provide a container image that contains the collection and all its dependencies. To accommodate for the different Ansible versions, we provide multiple images based on the underlying ansible-core and the python version. The full list of available images and their tags can be found in the Github container registry.

The easiest way to use the image is to create an alias for the ansible-playbook command.

alias ansible-playbook="docker run --rm -it \
  -v $(pwd):/ansible \
  -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh \
  -v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts \ ansible-playbook $@"
How to test this container?

Let's demonstrate how to use this container image given the alias above.

First, we deploy a simple SR Linux node using containerlab:

curl -sL | containerlab deploy -c -t -

Once the lab is deployed, let's create a simple test.yml playbook that retrieves the SR Linux version:

cat <<EOF > test.yml
- name: Example playbook
  hosts: all
    - name: Get version
          - path: /system/information/version
            datastore: state
      register: output

    - ansible.builtin.debug:
        msg: 'SR Linux version {{output.result[0]}}'

Finally, let's run the playbook specifying the SR Linux container name srl as a single inventory host, the connection plugin to use, and the credentials:

ansible-playbook -i srl, \
  -c ansible.netcommon.httpapi -e "ansible_network_os=nokia.srlinux.srlinux" \
  -e "ansible_user=admin" -e "ansible_password=NokiaSrl1!" \

SR Linux configuration#

The factory configuration that SR Linux ships with doesn't have JSON-RPC interface enabled. In order to use the modules of this collection, users should enable and configure the JSON-RPC server.


Ansible supports a number of connection modes to establish connectivity with devices over multiple connection protocols. SSH, HTTP and Local connections are likely the most popular one.

The modules in nokia.srlinux collection interface with SR Linux devices over its JSON-RPC interface, and thus leverage HttpApi connection plugin of Ansible's netcommon collection.

To instruct Ansible to use ansible.netcommon.httpapi connection plugin, users should set the ansible_connection variable to ansible.netcommon.httpapi.

There are many ways to set this variable, though most common one is to set in the inventory file:

clab-ansible-srl  ansible_connection=ansible.netcommon.httpapi ;(1)!
  1. Other variables are omitted


With ansible_network_os variables users select which Network OS the target host runs. For Nokia SR Linux this variable should be set to nokia.srlinux.srlinux value.

Most commonly, this variable is set in the inventory file:

clab-ansible-srl  ansible_network_os=nokia.srlinux.srlinux ;(1)!
  1. Other variables are omitted


Basic HTTP authentication is used by the modules of this collection. Credentials are provided by the common ansible_user and ansible_password variables.


SR Linux JSON-RPC server which the modules of this connection connect to can operate in two modes:

  1. Insecure HTTP mode
    No TLS certificates required, connection is not encrypted
  2. Secure HTTPS mode
    Requires TLS certificate to be generated and configured.

To instruct Ansible to connect to SR Linux device over https protocol users should set the ansible_httpapi_use_ssl variable to true. Again, this can be done on different levels, but most often it is part of the inventory file.

When set ansible_httpapi_use_ssl is set to true, Ansible will try to establish the connection over https using 443 port.

Certificate validation#

By default, when operating over https protocol, Ansible will try to validate the remote host's certificate. If the node's certificate is signed with CA that is not in the trust chain of the ansible controller, then the certificate validation will fail. There are two ways to make TLS-based connectivity work:

  1. Add ansible_httpapi_ca_path variable pointing to the CA certificate that signed the node's certificate.
  2. Disable certificate verification with setting ansible_httpapi_validate_certs to false.

TLS 1.3 support and cipher suites#

In the recent Python versions (>=3.10) default security settings for TLS have been hardened. More specifically the cipher suites have been restricted to the ones that are considered secure.

SR Linux started to ramp up TLS 1.3 support starting with release 23.10.1; users of older SR Linux releases would need to explicitly set the ansible_httpapi_ciphers variable to the cipher suite that is supported, for example ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA.

Example hosts file#

With the above configuration options in mind, the following hosts file demonstrates their usage to connect to the SR Linux device:

clab-ansible-srl ansible_connection=ansible.netcommon.httpapi ansible_user=admin ansible_password=NokiaSrl1! ansible_network_os=nokia.srlinux.srlinux ansible_httpapi_ciphers=ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA


To demonstrate the usage of the modules in this collection, we will use a very simple containerlab topology to deploy a single SR Linux node:

name: ansible

      kind: nokia_srlinux

Save the file as ansible.clab.yml and deploy the lab with containerlab deploy -t ansible.clab.yml.

Create the hosts file as shown in the previous section and you're ready to tryout the modules of this collection.

  1. nokia.srlinux collection requires SR Linux 23.3.1 or later. 

  2. See config module for details. 

  3. The modules purposefully don't follow network resource modules pattern, as we wanted to provide a generic way to access the whole configuration and state datastores of the device.