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A:srl-a# show network-instance default protocols isis summary
Network instance "default", isis instance "isis-1" is enable and up
Level Capability : L2
Export policy    : None
System-id : 0100.1010.0001
NET       : [ 49.0000.0100.1010.0001.00 ]
Area-id   : [ 49.0000 ]
IPv4 routing is enable
IPv6 routing is enable using None
Max ECMP path : 1
Current Status : not in overload
Reference bandwidth: NA
L1 metric style: None
L2 metric style: wide
Graceful Restart
Helper Mode    : disabled
Current Status : not helping any neighbors
LSP Lifetime                : 1200
LSP Refresh                 : 600
SPF initial wait            : 1000
SPF second wait             : 1000
SPF max wait                : 10000
LSP generation initial wait : 10
LSP generation second wait  : 1000
LSP generation max wait     : 5000
Route Preference
L1 internal : None
L1 external : None
L2 internal : 18
L2 external : 165
L1->L2 Summary Addresses Not configured
Instance Statistics
SPF run            : 2
Last SPF           : 2023-04-10T19:24:24.100Z
Partial SPF run    : 0
Last Partial SPF   : None
PDU Statistics
| pdu-name | received | processed | dropped | sent |
| LSP      | 0        | 0         | 0       | 0    |
| IIH      | 9        | 0         | 9       | 9    |
| CSNP     | 0        | 0         | 0       | 0    |
| PSNP     | 0        | 0         | 0       | 0    |



A:srl-a# show network-instance default protocols isis adjacency
Network Instance: default
Instance        : isis-1
| Interfac | Neighbor | Adjacen |   Ip    |  Ipv6   | State | Last tr | Remaini |
|  e Name  |  System  |   cy    | Address | Address |       | ansitio | ng hold |
|          |    Id    |  Level  |         |         |       |    n    |  time   |
| ethernet | 0100.101 | L2      | 192.168 | ::      | up    | 2023-04 | 27      |
| -1/1.10  | 0.0002   |         | .10.2   |         |       | -10T19: |         |
|          |          |         |         |         |       | 29:56.3 |         |
|          |          |         |         |         |       | 00Z     |         |
Adjacency Count: 1



A:srl-a# show network-instance default protocols isis database

Network Instance: default
Instance        : isis-1
| Level Number |      Lsp Id      | Sequence | Checksum | Lifetime | Attributes |
| 2            | 0100.1010.0001.0 | 0x3      | 0x66b7   | 924      | L1 L2      |
|              | 0-00             |          |          |          |            |
| 2            | 0100.1010.0002.0 | 0x3      | 0x62b9   | 924      | L1 L2      |
|              | 0-00             |          |          |          |            |
LSP Count: 2

