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Network Instance#

Network Instance Details#

Summary for all Network instances

A:srl-a# show network-instance summary
|     Name     |     Type     | Admin state  |  Oper state  |  Router id   |Description |
| default      | default      | enable       | up           |   |            |
| mgmt         | ip-vrf       | enable       | up           |              |Management  |
|              |              |              |              |              | network    |
|              |              |              |              |              | instance   |

List all Interfaces in a Network Instance

A:srl-a# show network-instance default interfaces
Net instance    : default
Interface       : ethernet-1/1.10
Type            : routed
Oper state      : up
Ip mtu          : 1500
  Prefix                     Origin                     Status
  ==============================================================================            static                     preferred, primary
Net instance    : default
Interface       : ethernet-1/1.20
Type            : routed
Oper state      : up
Ip mtu          : 1500
  Prefix                     Origin                     Status
  ==============================================================================            static                     preferred, primary
Net instance    : default
Interface       : lo0.0
Oper state      : up
  Prefix                     Origin                     Status
  ==============================================================================              static                     preferred, primary


Route Table#

From within the context of a network instance, the below command can be issued to see a summary of the route table. There are also options to see the route table of that instance.

--{ + running }--[ ]--
A:srl-a# show network-instance default route-table summary

IPv4 Route Summary

Name      Protocol   Active Routes
default   host       5
default   local      2

IPv4 Active routes          : 7
IPv4 Active routes with ECMP: 0
IPV4 Resilient hash routes  : 0
IPv4 Failed routes          : 0
IPv4 Total routes           : 7

IPv6 Route Summary

Name      Protocol   Active Routes
default   -          0

IPv6 Active routes          : 0
IPv6 Active routes with ECMP: 0
IPV6 Resilient hash routes  : 0
IPv6 Failed routes          : 0
IPv6 Total routes           : 0


MAC Table#

--{ + running }--[ ]--
A:srl-a# show network-instance mac-vrf-1 bridge-table mac-table all

Mac-table of network instance mac-vrf-1

| Address  | Destinat |   Dest   |   Type   |  Active  |  Aging   |   Last   |
|          |   ion    |  Index   |          |          |          |  Update  |
| 1A:EA:00 | irb      | 0        | irb-inte | true     | N/A      | 2023-03- |
| :FF:00:4 |          |          | rface    |          |          | 02T19:03 |
| 2        |          |          |          |          |          | :55.000Z |
Total Irb Macs                 :    1 Total    1 Active
Total Static Macs              :    0 Total    0 Active
Total Duplicate Macs           :    0 Total    0 Active
Total Learnt Macs              :    0 Total    0 Active
Total Evpn Macs                :    0 Total    0 Active
Total Evpn static Macs         :    0 Total    0 Active
Total Irb anycast Macs         :    0 Total    0 Active
Total Proxy Antispoof Macs     :    0 Total    0 Active
Total Reserved Macs            :    0 Total    0 Active
Total Eth-cfm Macs             :    0 Total    0 Active
  • /network-instance[name=*]/bridge-table/mac-table
  • /network-instance[name=*]/bridge-table/statistics/
