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Using nokia.srlinux Ansible collection#

Tutorial name nokia.srlinux collection with Ansible
Lab components 2 Nokia SR Linux nodes
Resource requirements 2 vCPU
4 GB
Lab jsonrpc-ansible
Main ref documents JSON-RPC Configuration, JSON-RPC Management
nokia.srlinux collection
Version information1 srlinux:23.3.1, containerlab:0.40.0, ansible-core:2.13
Authors Roman Dodin
Discussions Twitter · LinkedIn


This is an updated tutorial that uses the new nokia.srlinux Ansible collection. The previous version of this tutorial that uses Ansible URI module is deprecated but still can be found here.

In the JSON-RPC Basics tutorial, we focused on the JSON-RPC interface mechanics and its capabilities. The examples we used there used a well-known curl command-line utility to put the focal point on the JSON-RPC itself and some automation framework.

Arguably, using curl for network automation tasks that aren't trivial may be challenging and likely lead to hairy bash scripting. Instead, network ops teams prefer to use home-grown automation that leverages programming languages or configuration management tools like Ansible2 fitted to the networking purpose.

Ansible for network automation?

We should mention that using Ansible for network automation might feel like a shortcut to automation nirvana with both infra and network domains automated via a single cfg management tool, but this might be a trap.

From our experience using Ansible for network automation may work great when your automation tasks are trivial and do not require advanced configuration or state management. Programming in Ansible is tricky at best, and we advise you to consider using general-purpose languages instead (Python, Go, etc).

Still, network teams who have experience with Ansible may work around its limitations and make the tool do the job without falling into a trap of troubleshooting playbooks, variable shadowing and jinja-programming.

The topic of this tutorial is exactly this - using Ansible and SR Linux's JSON-RPC interface to automate common network operations. This task-oriented tutorial will help you understand how Ansible can be used to perform day0+ operations on our magnificent Nokia SR Linux Network OS.


Ansible has been marketing itself as a framework suitable for network automation. We've seen lots of network platforms integrated with Ansible using custom galaxy collections.
There is no point in arguing if Ansible is the right tool of choice when network automation branches out as a separate netops discipline. If Ansible does the job for some netops teams, our task it to help them understand how it can be used with SR Linux.

At the time of this writing, SR Linux provides three management interfaces:

  • gNMI
  • CLI

We've discussed before how these interfaces have the same visibility, but which one to pick for Ansible?

A few years back, Nokia open-sourced the nokia.grpc galaxy collection to add gNMI support to Ansible. Unfortunately, due to the complications in the upstream python-grpcio library3, this plugin was not widely used in the context of Ansible. In addition to that limitation, Ansible host has to be provided with gRPC libraries as dependencies, which might be problematic for some users.
Having said that, it is still possible to use this collection.

SR Linux collection#

In contrast with gNMI, which requires a custom collection to operate, using HTTP API with Ansible is easy, and lots of Ansible's networking collections use that interface, and so do we.

We are pleased to have our nokia.srlinux collection published that empowers Ansible users to automate Nokia SR Linux-based fabrics.

The collection is available on Ansible Galaxy and can be installed using the ansible-galaxy command. As part of the collection, we provide a set of Ansible modules that allow you to perform common network operations on SR Linux devices:

  • nokia.srlinux.config - to configure the device in fully model-driven way.
  • nokia.srlinux.get - to retrieve the device configuration and operational state.
  • nokia.srlinux.validate - to validate changes before applying them to the device.
  • nokia.srlinux.cli - to execute arbitrary CLI commands on the device.

Lab deployment#

If this is not your first tutorial on this site, you rightfully expect to get a containerlab1-based lab provided so that you can follow along with the provided examples. The lab uses Containerlab v0.51.3 and defines two Nokia SR Linux nodes connected over ethernet-1/1 interfaces.

To deploy the lab, simply run:

sudo containerlab deploy -c -t

Shortly after you should have two SR Linux containers running:

Result of containerlab deploy command
| # |      Name      | Container ID |             Image              | Kind |  State  |  IPv4 Address  |     IPv6 Address     |
| 1 | clab-2srl-srl1 | cc5ba5f8cc04 |  | srl  | running | | 2001:172:20:20::3/64 |
| 2 | clab-2srl-srl2 | aa5f8626ac4b |  | srl  | running | | 2001:172:20:20::2/64 |

Finally change into the cloned directory - cd jsonrpc-ansible - and we are ready to start.

Ansible setup#


Ansible requires an inventory file to be present to identify the fleet of hosts it is going to operate on. Luckily, Containerlab automatically generates a suitable inventory file for us. You will find the auto-generated inventory file in the lab directory by the ./clab-2srl/ansible-inventory.yml path.

It will look similar to this:

    # The generated inventory is assumed to be used from the clab host.
    # Hence no http proxy should be used. Therefore we make sure the http
    # module does not attempt using any global http proxy.
    ansible_httpapi_use_proxy: false
        ansible_network_os: nokia.srlinux.srlinux
        # default connection type for nodes of this kind
        # feel free to override this in your inventory
        ansible_connection: ansible.netcommon.httpapi
        ansible_user: admin
        ansible_password: NokiaSrl1!


Ansible is infamous for breaking things when you least expect it. For that reason, we caged the beast.
We created a pipeline that builds container images for each release of our collection making sure that our users have one worry less during their automation journey.

Throughout this tutorial we will be using container image that as the url suggests is based on ansible-core==2.15.5 with python 3.11 running srlinux collection v0.3.0.

To save some finger energy we will create a handy alias ansible-playbook that runs our container image with the ansible-inventory.yml file being already loaded:

ansible-in-a-container alias
alias ansible-playbook='docker run --rm -it \
  -v $(pwd):/ansible \(1)
  -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh \(2)
  -v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts \(3) \
  ansible-playbook -i clab-2srl/ansible-inventory.yml $@'
  1. /ansible is a working dir for our container image, so we mount the repo's directory to this path.
  2. although not needed for this lab, we still mount ssh dir of the host to the container, in case we need key-based ssh access
  3. to make sure that Ansible container can reach the nodes deployed by containerlab we mount the /etc/hosts file to it. That way ansible inside the container can resolve node names to IP addresses.

Now we can ensure that our alias works, just as if you had Ansible installed locally:

 ansible-playbook --version
ansible-playbook [core 2.15.5]
  config file = None
  configured module search path = ['/root/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
  ansible python module location = /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ansible
  ansible collection location = /root/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
  executable location = /usr/local/bin/ansible-playbook
  python version = 3.11.6 (main, Oct 11 2023, 23:23:39) [GCC 12.2.0] (/usr/local/bin/python)
  jinja version = 3.1.2
  libyaml = True
setting up iptables for container networking

With Ansible running in a container connected to the default bridge network and the rest of the nodes running in the clab docker network users may experience communication problems between Ansible and network elements.
This stems from the default iptables rules Docker maintains preventing container communications between different networks. To overcome this, consider one of the following methods (one of them, not all):

  1. Install iptables rule to allow packets to docker0 network:
    sudo iptables -I DOCKER-USER -o docker0 -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "allow inter-network comms"
  2. Instruct containerlab to start nodes in the Docker default network.
  3. Run Ansible container in the network that containerlab uses (clab by default)

Using this container image is not required for this tutorial, you still can install Ansible using any of the supported methods.

With the container image, we tried to make sure you will have one problem less to worry about.


Once the lab repository is cloned and the lab is deployed, we are ready to start solving the tasks using nokia.srlinux Ansible collection.

Retrieving state and config#

Beginning with the common task of retrieving state and configuration data from SR Linux using model-based paths.

Playbook task01/get-state-and-config-data.yml:

- name: Get state and config data from SR Linux
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: false
    - name: Get hostname, version and tls-profile
          - path: /system/name/host-name
          - path: /system/information/version
          - path: /system/json-rpc-server/network-instance[name=mgmt]/https/tls-profile
      register: get_result

    - ansible.builtin.debug:
        msg: "Host {{get_result.result[0]}} runs {{get_result.result[1]}} version and json-rpc server uses '{{get_result.result[2]}}' TLS profile"

In the Get hostname, version and tls-profile task we leverage the nokia.srlinux.get to fetch three parameters off of the SR Linux node.

Each path in the paths list uses an XPATH-like path notation that points to a YANG-modelled node. In this particular example, we retrieve the data from the state datastore, as this is the default value for the datastore parameter of the get module. Read more on datastores here.

To execute the playbook:

ansible-playbook task01/get-state-and-config-data.yml

The result of the playbook will contain the message string per each lab node with the relevant information:

TASK [ansible.builtin.debug] ***********************************************************************************
ok: [clab-2srl-srl1] => {
    "msg": "Host srl1 runs v22.11.1-184-g6eeaa254f7 version and json-rpc server uses 'clab-profile' TLS profile"
ok: [clab-2srl-srl2] => {
    "msg": "Host srl2 runs v22.11.1-184-g6eeaa254f7 version and json-rpc server uses 'clab-profile' TLS profile"

The debug task shows how to access the data returned by the module. Read more on the returned data in the get module documentation.

Of course, your paths might not necessarily point to a leaf; it can be a container, a list, or another YANG element. We used leaves in the example to demonstrate how to access the data in the response.

Based on the provided example, users can fetch any configuration or state data available in SR Linux.

Configuration backup#

Another bestseller task in the network operations category - configuration backup. In SR Linux, the running configuration is what populates the running datastore. We can easily fetch the entire running datastore by using the / path with the get module.

Playbook task02/cfg-backup.yml demonstrates how this is done.

snip from the task02/cfg-backup.yml
- name: Configuration backup
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: false
    - name: Backup running configuration
          - path: /
            datastore: running
      register: get_result

Once the whole running datastore is fetched we write (using the copy module) it to the ansible host filesystem to the same directory where the playbook is located:

- name: Save fetched configs
    content: "{{get_result.result[0] | to_nice_json}}"
    dest: "{{playbook_dir}}/{{inventory_hostname}}.cfg.json"

As a result, running configs of the two nodes are written to the task02 directory:

ansible-playbook task02/cfg-backup.yml
PLAY [Configuration backup] **************************************************************************************

TASK [Backup running configuration] ******************************************************************************
ok: [clab-2srl-srl1]
ok: [clab-2srl-srl2]

TASK [Save fetched configs] **************************************************************************************
changed: [clab-2srl-srl1]
changed: [clab-2srl-srl2]

PLAY RECAP *******************************************************************************************************
clab-2srl-srl1             : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
clab-2srl-srl2             : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
 ls task02
cfg-backup.yml  clab-2srl-srl1.cfg.json  clab-2srl-srl2.cfg.json


Alternative approach to do configuration backup is to transfer the config file that resides on the file system of the Network OS.

Setting configuration#

Configuration tasks are not the white crows either. Many Ansible operators provision their network devices using popular techniques such as configuration templating.

In task03/config.yml playbook, we switch to the config module and demonstrate several ways to source the configuration data.

The tasks' body highlights module's ability to stuff many configuration operations in a single request. In this case a replace operation is accompanied by two update operations.

- name: Configuration
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: false
    - name: Various configuration tasks
          - path: /interface[name=mgmt0]/description
            value: "{{inventory_hostname}} management interface"
          - path: /system/information
              location: the Netherlands
              contact: Roman Dodin
          - path: /
            value: "{{lookup('ansible.builtin.template', '{{playbook_dir}}/iface-cfg.json.j2') }}"
      register: set_result

Value container#

A most common way to provide configuration values is by writing them in the value parameter of an operation. Like in the case of the update's first operation, we provide values for the /system/information container:

- action: update
  path: /system/information
    location: the Netherlands
    contact: Roman Dodin

We set two leaves - location and contact - by creating the value container, which embeds leaves and values we want to set under the /system/information path.

Config sourced from a file#

Quite often, configuration templates intended to be pushed to the node are saved on disk. Hence, we want to show how to use those templates in your configuration tasks.

The iface-cfg.json.j2 file contains a template for the two interfaces - ethernet-1/1 and lo0. The ethernet-1/1 interface is configured with a sub-interface and IP address sourced from the {{e1_1_ip}} variable and is attached to the default network instance.

  "interface": [
      "name": "ethernet-1/1",
      "description": "ethernet-1/1 interface on {{inventory_hostname}} node",
      "admin-state": "enable",
      "subinterface": [
          "index": 0,
          "admin-state": "enable",
          "ipv4": {
            "address": [
                "ip-prefix": "{{e1_1_ip}}"
      "name": "lo0",
      "description": "loopback interface on {{inventory_hostname}} node",
      "admin-state": "enable"
  "network-instance": [
      "name": "default",
      "interface": [
          "name": "ethernet-1/1.0"

But where do we define the {{e1_1_ip}} variable? We can define it in the inventory file by making a tight coupling between the target device and its variables. Edit the clab-2srl/ansible-inventory.yml file and add the e1_1_ip variable to the clab-2srl-srl1 and clab-2srl-srl2 hosts:


Now with the variables defined and set for each host we can use them in the template

Since /interface list is a top-level element in our YANG model (as denoted by /interface path), to create a new member of this list, we craft a JSON object with interface list and specify its members (ethernet-1/1 and lo0). This JSON object is then updates/merges the / path, thus making two new interfaces. Same with the network-instance.

- action: update
  path: /
  value: "{{lookup('ansible.builtin.template', '{{playbook_dir}}/iface-cfg.json.j2') }}"

Results validation#

Run the playbook with ansible-playbook task03/config.yml:

Run output
❯ ansible-playbook task03/config.yml

PLAY [Configuration] ************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Various configuration tasks] **********************************************************************************************************
ok: [clab-2srl-srl1]
ok: [clab-2srl-srl2]

TASK [Verify configuration set] *************************************************************************************************************
ok: [clab-2srl-srl1]
ok: [clab-2srl-srl2]

TASK [ansible.builtin.debug] ****************************************************************************************************************
ok: [clab-2srl-srl1] => {
    "msg": [
        "mgmt0 description is: clab-2srl-srl1 management interface",
        "location is: the Netherlands",
        "contact is: Roman Dodin",
        "ethernet-1/1 description is: ethernet-1/1 interface on clab-2srl-srl1 node",
        "loopback0 description is: loopback interface on clab-2srl-srl1 node"
ok: [clab-2srl-srl2] => {
    "msg": [
        "mgmt0 description is: clab-2srl-srl2 management interface",
        "location is: the Netherlands",
        "contact is: Roman Dodin",
        "ethernet-1/1 description is: ethernet-1/1 interface on clab-2srl-srl2 node",
        "loopback0 description is: loopback interface on clab-2srl-srl2 node"

PLAY RECAP **********************************************************************************************************************************
clab-2srl-srl1             : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=1    rescued=0    ignored=0   
clab-2srl-srl2             : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=1    rescued=0    ignored=0

To ensure that the changes were correctly applied, the last task fetches state information for the touched leaves. Looking at the output, we can verify that the config was applied correctly.

Additionally, since we configured IP addresses over the connected interfaces on both nodes, you should be able to execute a ping between the nodes:

Login to srl1:

ssh clab-2srl-srl1

and run the ping command:

--{ + running }--[  ]--
A:srl1# ping -c 2 network-instance default
Using network instance default
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=59.3 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=14.5 ms

--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1001ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 14.501/36.886/59.271/22.385 ms

Replacing partial config#

To replace a portion of a config a replace operation of the config module is used with the path pointing to the subtree to be replaced. The value of the replace operation is the new subtree to be replaced with.

In task04/replace-partial-cfg.yml playbook we replace everything that was configured in the previous configuration task for ethernet-1/1 interface with a container having a single leaf set - admin-state: disable.

- name: Replace operation
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: false
    - name: Replace partial config
          - path: /interface[name=ethernet-1/1]
              name: ethernet-1/1
              admin-state: disable
          - path: /network-instance[name=default]/interface[name=ethernet-1/1.0]

The replace action will delete everything under /interface[name=ethernet-1/1] and update it with the value specified in the request. We also remove the binding of the subinterface ethernet-1/1.0 from the network instance, since the subinterface is going to be removed by the replace operation and we can't have it referenced in the network instance anymore.

Run the playbook with ansible-playbook task04/replace-partial-cfg.yml:

Run output
❯ ansible-playbook task04/replace-partial-cfg.yml

PLAY [Replace operation] ********************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Replace partial config] ***************************************************************************************************************
ok: [clab-2srl-srl2]
ok: [clab-2srl-srl1]

TASK [Verify configuration set] *************************************************************************************************************
ok: [clab-2srl-srl2]
ok: [clab-2srl-srl1]

TASK [ansible.builtin.debug] ****************************************************************************************************************
ok: [clab-2srl-srl1] => {
    "get_result.json.result": [
            "admin-state": "disable"
ok: [clab-2srl-srl2] => {
    "get_result.json.result": [
            "admin-state": "disable"

PLAY RECAP **********************************************************************************************************************************
clab-2srl-srl1             : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=1    rescued=0    ignored=0   
clab-2srl-srl2             : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=1    rescued=0    ignored=0

Replacing entire config#

One of the common tactics to provision a new box with services after it has been ZTP'd is to replace whatever is there with the golden or node-specific config.

In task05/replace-entire-cfg.yml we do just that. The golden config that resides in the task directory has jinja variables that Ansible populates at runtime to add node-specific values. The golden config we used in this example is similar to what we retrieved in the backup task.

- name: Replace operation
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: false
    - name: Replace entire config
          - path: /
            value: "{{lookup('ansible.builtin.template', '{{playbook_dir}}/golden.cfg.json.j2') }}"

To replace the entire config we set the path to / value and provide the entire config in the value field.

Run the playbook with ansible-playbook task05/replace-entire-cfg.yml:

Run output
❯ ansible-playbook task05/replace-entire-cfg.yml

PLAY [Replace operation] ********************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Replace partial config] ***************************************************************************************************************
ok: [clab-2srl-srl1]
ok: [clab-2srl-srl2]

TASK [Verify configuration set] *************************************************************************************************************
ok: [clab-2srl-srl1]
ok: [clab-2srl-srl2]

TASK [ansible.builtin.debug] ****************************************************************************************************************
ok: [clab-2srl-srl1] => {
    "msg": "Location from golden config: CONTAINERLAB"
ok: [clab-2srl-srl2] => {
    "msg": "Location from golden config: CONTAINERLAB"

PLAY RECAP **********************************************************************************************************************************
clab-2srl-srl1             : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=1    rescued=0    ignored=0   
clab-2srl-srl2             : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=1    rescued=0    ignored=0

Collecting show commands#

Another golden record of the netops is to dump some operational show commands for audit, pre/post checks, etc. Using nokia.srlinux.cli module we can execute show and other commands with output format being json, text or table.

In task06/fetch-show-cmd-output.yml we collect the output of a few show commands in text outputs and save them in per-node files.

- name: Operational commands
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: false
      - show version
      - show platform chassis
    - name: Fetch show commands output
        commands: "{{commands}}"
        output_format: text
      register: cli_result

For this playbook we introduce playbook variable - commands - that host a list of show commands we would like to execute remotely.

To save the results of the executed commands we loop over the results array and save each result in its own file with a sanitized name:

- name: Save fetched show outputs
    content: "{{item}}"
    dest: '{{playbook_dir}}/{{inventory_hostname}}.{{ commands[idx] | replace(" ", "-") | regex_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9\-]", "") }}.txt'
  loop: "{{cli_result.result}}"
    index_var: idx

Run the playbook with ansible-playbook task06/fetch-show-cmd-output.yml:

Run output
❯ ansible-playbook task06/fetch-show-cmd-output.yml

PLAY [Operational commands] *****************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Fetch show commands output] ***********************************************************************************************************
ok: [clab-2srl-srl2]
ok: [clab-2srl-srl1]

TASK [Save fetched show outputs] ************************************************************************************************************
changed: [clab-2srl-srl1] => (item=--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hostname             : srl1
Chassis Type         : 7220 IXR-D2
Part Number          : Sim Part No.
Serial Number        : Sim Serial No.
System HW MAC Address: 1A:C0:00:FF:00:00
Software Version     : v22.11.1
Build Number         : 184-g6eeaa254f7
Architecture         : x86_64
Last Booted          : 2022-12-08T13:55:46.394Z
Total Memory         : 24052875 kB
Free Memory          : 14955894 kB
changed: [clab-2srl-srl2] => (item=--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hostname             : srl2
Chassis Type         : 7220 IXR-D2
Part Number          : Sim Part No.
Serial Number        : Sim Serial No.
System HW MAC Address: 1A:1E:01:FF:00:00
Software Version     : v22.11.1
Build Number         : 184-g6eeaa254f7
Architecture         : x86_64
Last Booted          : 2022-12-08T13:55:46.390Z
Total Memory         : 24052875 kB
Free Memory          : 14955894 kB
ok: [clab-2srl-srl2] => (item=--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Type             : 7220 IXR-D2
Last Boot type   : normal
HW MAC address   : 1A:1E:01:FF:00:00
Slots            : 1
Oper Status      : up
Last booted      : 2022-12-08T13:55:46.390Z
Last change      : 2022-12-08T13:55:46.390Z
Part number      : Sim Part No.
CLEI code        : Sim CLEI
ok: [clab-2srl-srl1] => (item=--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Type             : 7220 IXR-D2
Last Boot type   : normal
HW MAC address   : 1A:C0:00:FF:00:00
Slots            : 1
Oper Status      : up
Last booted      : 2022-12-08T13:55:46.394Z
Last change      : 2022-12-08T13:55:46.394Z
Part number      : Sim Part No.
CLEI code        : Sim CLEI

PLAY RECAP **********************************************************************************************************************************
clab-2srl-srl1             : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=1    rescued=0    ignored=0   
clab-2srl-srl2             : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=1    rescued=0    ignored=0

As a result of that run, you should get a file per the executed command per the node in your inventory:

❯ ls task06  fetch-show-cmd-output.yml 

❯ cat task06/ 
Hostname             : srl1
Chassis Type         : 7220 IXR-D2
Part Number          : Sim Part No.
Serial Number        : Sim Serial No.
System HW MAC Address: 1A:C0:00:FF:00:00
Software Version     : v22.11.1
Build Number         : 184-g6eeaa254f7
Architecture         : x86_64
Last Booted          : 2022-12-08T13:55:46.394Z
Total Memory         : 24052875 kB
Free Memory          : 14955894 kB


All the examples in this tutorial were using HTTP as a transport protocol. However, in production environments, you would want to use HTTPS to secure your communication with the network devices.

Using HTTPS with this collection is as simple as adding the ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: true and ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: false variable. For instance, to the list of variables in the inventory file:

    ansible_connection: ansible.netcommon.httpapi
    ansible_user: admin
    ansible_password: NokiaSrl1!
    ansible_network_os: nokia.srlinux.srlinux
    ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: true
    ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: false
    # snip

To see other options of TLS-secured connections, see the TLS section of the module's docs.


While Ansible may not be the best tool for the network automation job due to complicated troubleshooting, weird looping mechanisms, and challenging ways to manipulate and extract modelled data - it is still being used by many teams.

Our mission was to demonstrate how Ansible can be used in conjunction with SR Linux Network OS and which interface to choose - gNMI or JSON-RPC? Then, through a set of task-oriented exercises, we showed how modules in nokia.srlinux collection can help you reach your automation goals with Ansible.

Do you want us to cover more tasks using Ansible, or any other automation stack? Do let us know in the comments!

  1. the following versions have been used to create this tutorial. The newer versions might work; please pin the version to the mentioned ones if they don't. 

  2. Or home-grown automation tools leveraging some general purpose programming language. 

  3. The library does not allow to use unsecured gRPC transport nor it allows to skip certificate validation process. 
