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get Module#

Get module is used to retrieve configuration and state from SR Linux devices. Users provide the datastore from which the data is retrieved and the paths to enclosing node or leaf. The module returns the requested data in JSON format.

- name: Get container
  hosts: clab
  gather_facts: false
    - name: Get /system/information container
          - path: /system/information
            datastore: state
            yang_models: srl #(1)!
      register: response

    - debug:
        var: response
  1. srl YANG model is used when unspecified, so in this case this parameter could have been omitted. It is provided for demonstration purposes.
ok: [clab-ansible-srl] => {
    "response": {
        "changed": false,
        "failed": false,
        "failed_when_result": false,
        "jsonrpc_req_id": 65031,
        "jsonrpc_version": "2.0",
        "result": [
                "current-datetime": "2023-04-26T21:29:47.554Z",
                "description": "SRLinux-v23.3.1-343-gab924f2e64 7250 IXR-6 Copyright (c) 2000-2020 Nokia. Kernel 5.15.0-67-generic #74-Ubuntu SMP Wed Feb 22 14:14:39 UTC 2023",
                "last-booted": "2023-04-26T20:14:35.789Z",
                "version": "v23.3.1-343-gab924f2e64"



The paths parameter is a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains parameters used to identify the data to be retrieved.


required · type: string

The path parameter is a string that identifies the path to the yang node from which to retrieve the data. The path is provided in the XPATH-like notation and is relative to the root of the datastore.

SR Linux users are encouraged to use YANG Browser to explore the YANG model and identify the paths to the data they want to retrieve.


type: string

The datastore parameter is a string that identifies the datastore from which to retrieve the data. When omitted, the running datastore is used.

The following datastore values are available:

  • running - the current configuration of the system
  • candidate - the configuration that is being edited but not yet committed
  • baseline - the configuration that was used to "fork" candidate from
  • tools - the datastore used to store operational commands
  • state - the current state of the system


choice: srl, oc

The yang_models parameter selects which YANG model is used with a specified path. SR Linux Network OS supports the following two values for the yang_models parameter:

  1. srl - SR Linux native YANG model
  2. oc - Openconfig model

The default value for the yang_models parameter is srl, and if the parameter is omitted, the SR Linux native YANG model is assumed. Thus, this parameter is used when users want to retrieve data from the device using Openconfig model.

Return values#

Module returns the results in a structured format with Ansible common return values and module specific values.

  "changed": false,
  "failed": false,
  "jsonrpc_req_id": 50861,
  "jsonrpc_version": "2.0",
  "result": [
      "current-datetime": "2023-04-27T09:23:07.382Z",
      "version": "v23.3.1-343-gab924f2e64"


type: boolean

For get module the changed value is always false, as retrieval operations never result in changing state of the device.


type: boolean

The failed value indicates if any errors occurred during the execution of the module. The failed value is false when the module completes successfully and true otherwise. See the Error handling section for more details.


type: string

The jsonrpc_req_id value is a string identifier that the module uses for the JSON-RPC request. The value is used to match the request with the response when, for instance, checking the JSON-RPC server logs on the device.
Its value is set to current UTC time.


type: string

The jsonrpc_version value is a string that indicates the JSON-RPC version used by the module. The value is always 2.0 and is not user configurable.


type: list of any

The result value is a list of returned data. The list order matches the order of the paths parameter. Such that the first element of the result list contains the data retrieved from the first element of the paths list.

The type of the data returned depends on the path parameter. For instance, if the path parameter points to a leaf, the value of the leaf is returned. If the path parameter points to a container, the container is returned as a dictionary. See examples to see the data returned for different path parameters.

Error handling#

The get module sets the failed return value to true when errors occur during the module execution. The error message is returned in the msg field of the return value.

Consider the following output when a wrong path is used by the user of a module:

- name: Get wrong path
  hosts: clab
  gather_facts: false
    - name: Get wrong path
          - path: /system/informations
            datastore: state
fatal: [clab-ansible-srl]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "jsonrpc_req_id": 11505, "msg": "Path not valid - unknown element 'informations'. Options are [features, trace-options, management, configuration, aaa, authentication, boot, lacp, lldp, mtu, name, dhcp-server, event-handler, mpls, gnmi-server, tls, gribi-server, json-rpc-server, bridge-table, license, dns, ntp, clock, ssh-server, ftp-server, snmp, sflow, load-balancing, banner, information, logging, multicast, network-instance, p4rt-server, maintenance, app-management]"}


Single path#

The most simple example of using the get module is to retrieve a single path which may point to any YANG node of a chosen datastore.

Consider the example below, where we retrieve the system information from the state datastore providing a path to a YANG container using the /system/information path.

- name: Get /system/information container
      - path: /system/information
        datastore: state
  register: get_response
ok: [clab-ansible-srl] => {
    "get_response": {
        "changed": false,
        "failed": false,
        "failed_when_result": false,
        "jsonrpc_req_id": 6062,
        "jsonrpc_version": "2.0",
        "result": [
                "current-datetime": "2023-04-26T21:23:10.364Z",
                "description": "SRLinux-v23.3.1-343-gab924f2e64 7250 IXR-6 Copyright (c) 2000-2020 Nokia. Kernel 5.15.0-1036-azure #43-Ubuntu SMP Wed Mar 29 16:11:05 UTC 2023",
                "last-booted": "2023-04-26T21:22:29.603Z",
                "version": "v23.3.1-343-gab924f2e64"

As explained in the result parameter documentation, the result value contains a list of objects one per requested path. Since we requested the module to retrieve the value of a single path /system/information which points to a YANG container element, the result list contains only a single element with the object containing the state parameters.

Accessing the values of a response object is done using dotted notation. For example, to access the description value of the returned object registered in the get_response variable we can use:


Multiple paths#

The get module allows users to retrieve data from multiple paths, datastores and even YANG models, thus providing great flexibility and efficiency.

In the following example we retrieve infromation from three paths and different datastores:

  name: Get multiple paths
      - path: /system/information
        datastore: state
      - path: /system/information/version
        datastore: state
      - path: /system/json-rpc-server
        datastore: running
ok: [clab-ansible-srl] => {
    "response": {
        "changed": false,
        "failed": false,
        "jsonrpc_req_id": 23437,
        "jsonrpc_version": "2.0",
        "result": [
                "current-datetime": "2023-04-27T10:56:36.670Z",
                "description": "SRLinux-v23.3.1-343-gab924f2e64 7250 IXR-6 Copyright (c) 2000-2020 Nokia. Kernel 5.15.0-67-generic #74-Ubuntu SMP Wed Feb 22 14:14:39 UTC 2023",
                "last-booted": "2023-04-26T20:14:35.789Z",
                "version": "v23.3.1-343-gab924f2e64"
                "admin-state": "enable",
                "network-instance": [
                        "http": {
                            "admin-state": "enable"
                        "https": {
                            "admin-state": "enable",
                            "tls-profile": "clab-profile"
                        "name": "mgmt"

When requesting multiple paths, the returned result list contains as many elements as many paths have been requested. In this example the three elements form the result list.

Note, how the second requested path /system/information/version pointed to a YANG leaf, and therefore the 2nd element of the result list is just a string of the requested leaf.

The 1st and 3rd elements are json objects, because the paths pointed to a container element. As in the "single path" example, users can access the returned data using the dotted notation.

Multiple paths with mixing YANG models

It is possible to retrieve data from multiple paths using different YANG models. This is achieved by setting the yang_models parameter on a per-path level.

- name: Get multiple paths
      - path: /system/state/hostname
        datastore: state
        yang_models: oc
      - path: /system/information/description
        datastore: state
        yang_models: srl
      - path: /system/json-rpc-server
        datastore: running
        yang_models: srl


To retrieve data using Openconfig model leverage the yang_models parameter which is set on a per-path level:

This task requests /system/state/hostname using Openconfig model and /system/information using SR Linux native datastore. Note, that OC and SR Linux models are mixed in the paths, the SR Linux srl model needs to be set explicitly.

- name: Get /system/information container
      - path: /system/state/hostname
        yang_models: oc
        datastore: state
      - path: /system/information
        yang_models: srl
        datastore: state
  register: response

Because Openconfig paths pointed to a YANG leaf, the first element in the result list is a string value of the hostname. The 2nd element is an object retrieved using SR Linux YANG model.

ok: [clab-ansible-srl] => {
    "response": {
        "changed": false,
        "failed": false,
        "failed_when_result": false,
        "jsonrpc_req_id": 32499,
        "jsonrpc_version": "2.0",
        "result": [
                "current-datetime": "2023-04-26T21:23:46.376Z",
                "description": "SRLinux-v23.3.1-343-gab924f2e64 7250 IXR-6 Copyright (c) 2000-2020 Nokia. Kernel 5.15.0-1036-azure #43-Ubuntu SMP Wed Mar 29 16:11:05 UTC 2023",
                "last-booted": "2023-04-26T21:22:29.603Z",
                "version": "v23.3.1-343-gab924f2e64"

Source code#

Get module is implemented in the file.
